Campus Tutoring Service offers tutoring in multiple formats. Here are the types of sessions we have available this semester:
Private Sessions
Private Sessions allow you to see a tutor by yourself or with up to two friends (3 total people). Sessions are 50 minutes long and are held in a private room. In a private session, you determine what types of problems trouble you the most and work on those areas specifically. You must provide all the relevant materials in a private session i.e. the tutor will not create a “lesson plan” for you. If your primary goal is working on WebWork, GPs, practice exams, etc. then private sessions are probably best for you.
Group Sessions
Group Sessions function much like a small classroom in a private high school. Each session is 45 minutes long and covers the material in conjunction with the departmental syllabus. Each session consists of about 20 minutes of lecture followed by 25 minutes of practice problems and Q&A. Students enrolled in the groups will get a supplemental help video demonstrating how the material learned in the lesson applies to their WebWork questions. Students who attend these biweekly sessions on a regular basis will outperform their peers on the exams, midterm, and final. These are a great way to regularly supplement lecture and get “next level” understanding on concepts.
Exam Reviews
Exam Reviews are formatted events for which CTS has prepared a practice exam (exclusive to CTS) that we feel is representative of the material you will face on an upcoming exam. Students in attendance will be given a handout consisting of practice questions and walked through each problem step by step, time permitting. For some classes, there will be a second “Concepts and Formulas” handout given to students as well. Questions relating to the questions on the handout are welcomed, but students should not expect exam reviews to be an “open question and answer” format. Students who have questions about specific sample exam questions (not on our handout) should schedule a Private Session to ask those questions.